Communicating with my three children through massage from birth and using sign language before they could speak were amazing ways that helped me connect with them. Some of their needs that they were able to communicate were to change their diaper, that they were teething and they needed help with something before age 1. I have always assumed that babies are more aware of everything around them than we think. I knew this was the case when my day old baby Rachel seemed to recognize a song that I had written for her and sang to her throughout my pregnancy. When I sang the song her body squirmed and she looked at me with her day old eyes wide open as she was snuggled on my skin and it gave me this sense and I will always remember it. It also seemed as if Rachel somehow knew when I was leaving the house and having a sitter watch her as well as when someone else was holding her. How could she know at such an early age? Was that causing her to be fussy?
Knowing this about a baby’s awareness has driven me to be conscious of always keeping a baby’s perspective in mind. Babies are mirrors of us and reflect back to us our own thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Feeling strongly about this has led me to raise my own babies with respect and treat them as a unique individual from the start and professionally encourage my clients to do the same.
There are many ways in which I can guide you and give you and your baby a peaceful and interactive start. Let’s begin! I recommend starting on day 1.
Professional Biography
Sheryl White is a certified Infant Massage Instructor, Baby Signer, Reiki Master and mother of three. Her background includes a B.A. in Psychology and Corporate Classroom Trainer.
Sheryl has received specialized training in the field of Infant Massage conducted by The International Association of Infant Massage and is a member of the IAIM association founded by Vimala Schneider McClure.
She is a certified instructor of Joseph Garcia’s International Sign 2 Me Presenters Network, a babies and toddlers signing program.
Sheryl has also received training in her father-in-law’s program, Dr. Burton White’s ‘New Parents as Teachers’ based on his book the First Three Years of Life.
Sheryl has been teaching classes to parents, teachers, professionals and caregivers since 1999. Her role in the classes is to facilitate and help strengthen the relationship between an infant and their caregiver.